
The built-in extendable assert/verify library is available on the Nightwatch instance as two namespaces containing the same methods which perform assertions on elements:

  • .assert - when an assertion fails, the test ends, skipping all other assertions.
  • .verify - when an assertion fails, the test logs the failure and continues with other assertions.

The following will end the test:

However, this will just log the failure and continue:


Basic Assertions

The methods from the Node.js assert module are also available on the .assert/.verify namespaces and can be used.

Negate (".not") Assertions

Since version 1.3, all the assertions (including custom defined ones) have a ".not" counterpart, which can be used to assert the opposite.

And thus, assertions like elementNotPresent, cssClassNotPresent, hidden are obsolete and have been deprecated.

describe('Demo .not assertion', function() {
  it('demo test', function(browser) {
browser .assert.not.elementPresent('.not_present') // previously .assert.elementNotPresent() .assert.not.visible('.non_visible') // previously .assert.hidden() .assert.not.urlContains('http://');
// ... }) })

Automatic Retries

By default, Nightwatch will automatically retry failed assertions for up to 5000ms. This can be configured by setting the property retryAssertionTimeout (in milliseconds) in your globals (see also working with test globals.

If the given timeout is reached test runner will give up retrying and will mark the assertion as failed.

Example config:

  src_folders: ['tests'],
test_settings: { default: { launch_url: '',
globals: { myGlobalVar: 'some value', retryAssertionTimeout: 5000 } } } }