
React component testing in Nightwatch is available using our official @nightwatch/react plugin, which is built on top of the vite-plugin-nightwatch plugin. The React plugin manages its own Vite dev server internally, so it can be used in any project, irrespective of whether it is using Vite or not.

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Step 1.

The @nightwatch/react plugin can be installed from NPM with:

npm install @nightwatch/react

Step 2.

Then update your Nightwatch configuration and add the plugin to the list:

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['@nightwatch/react']

Step 3.

a. Non-Vite projects

The @nightwatch/react plugin manages its own Vite dev server internally so if you don’t use Vite already in your project, then you are done (for now).

b. Already using Vite

If you already have a Vite project, then the @nightwatch/react plugin will try to use the existing vite.config.js or vite.config.ts, if either one is found. You can also supply a different Vite config file via the plugin options (see below).

Update the vite.config.js and add the vite-plugin-nightwatch plugin:

import nightwatchPlugin from 'vite-plugin-nightwatch'

export default { plugins: [ // ... other plugins, such as vue() or react() nightwatchPlugin() ] })

Write tests

Using JSX + Component Story Format

Starting with version 2.4, Nightwatch supports running React component tests with JSX and which are written in a Component Story Format (CSF) subset. CSF is an open standard based on ES6 modules introduced by Storybook.

File names must use .jsx or .tsx as extension. In its simplest form, the component test looks as follows:

import Form from '../components/Form.jsx';

export default { title: 'Form', component: Form, }
export const FormStory = () => <Form />

In component testing terms, a "story" is representation of a particular component with props or args. In our concrete case, it is a single export const declaration.

Without JSX

This plugin provides only the mountComponent command which can be used to mount a component in isolation and optionally with a set of given props.

.mountComponent(componentPath, [props], [callback])

Name Type componentPath
componentPath string Location of the component file (.jsx) to be mounted
object | function Properties to be passed to the React component; this can be an object which will be serialized to JSON or a function which returns the props object. The function will be executed in the browser's context.
function An optional callback function which will be called with the component element.


We’ve designed the @nightwatch/react plugin to work with sensible configuration defaults, but in some more advanced scenarios you may need to change some of the config options.

Vite dev server

By default, Nightwatch will attempt to start the Vite dev server automatically. You can disable that by adding the below in your nightwatch.conf.js file, under the vite_dev_server dictionary.

This is common to other component testing plugins that are based on Vite, such as the @nightwatch/vue plugin.

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['@nightwatch/react'],
  vite_dev_server: {
    start_vite: true,
    port: 5173

Plugin options

The plugin accepts a few config options which can be set when working with an existing vite.config.js file in the project.

- renderPage

Specify the path to a custom test renderer to be used. A default renderer is included in the package, but this option can overwrite that value.

export default {
  plugins: [
    // ... other plugins, such as vue() or react()
      renderPage: './src/test_renderer.html'
const component = await browser.mountReactComponent('../../../src/components/Form.jsx')
describe('user info test', function() {
  let component;
before(async () => { component = await browser.mountComponent('../../../src/components/UserInfo.jsx', function() { return { date: new Date(), text: 'I hope you enjoy reading Ulysses!', author: { name: 'Leopold Bloom', avatarUrl: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/52/Poldy.png' } } }); });
it('should render the component without error', function() { browser.expect(component).to.be.visible; }) })

Loading static assets

When loading components in isolation, it's often needed to load additional static assets, such as CSS files, which contain styles used by the component.

Beside loading assets in the (JSX) test file directly, Nightwatch provides 2 ways to accomplish this:

  1. create a nightwatch/index.jsx file in the current project
  2. create an entirely new test renderer file and use the renderPage option in the Vite plugin

Example project

We've put together a basic To-do app written in React and built on top of Vite which can be used as a boilerplate. It can be found at https://github.com/nightwatchjs-community/todo-react

nightwatch-react-plugin on Github