
Using commands, you can interact with web elements. Before using commands, it is mandatory to find the element 1st . Please refer to this guide to understand to find elements using selectors. Commands can be categorized in 4 buckets

  1. Element interactions
  2. Get element details
  3. Update element details
  4. Setting browser context


To click on an element,simply use browser.element.find('selector').click().

// Click on the sign in button
browser.element.findByText('Sign In').click();
// Click on the sign in button
browser.element.findByText('Sign In').click();

Double Click

To double click on an element,you can use browser.element.find('selector').doubleClick().

// Double click on the sign in button
browser.element.findByText('Sign In').doubleClick();
// Double click on the sign in button
browser.element.findByText('Sign In').doubleClick();

Right Click

You can right click on an element using browser.element.find('selector').rightClick().

// Right click on the options button
// Right click on the options button

Send Keys

You can type values into input fields by using browser.element.find('selector').sendKeys('text'). Instead of passing text you can also pass an array of texts. To use key constants such as Enter or Space, you can use browser.keys.CONSTANT_NAME. You can find all key press constants here

// Type in 'Nightwatch' into input field search

// Type in 'John Doe' into the username field and press enter browser.element.findByLabelText('username').sendKeys(['Nightwatch', browser.Keys.ENTER]);
// Type in 'Nightwatch' into input field search

// Type in 'John Doe' into the username field and press enter browser.element.findByLabelText('username').sendKeys(['Nightwatch', browser.Keys.ENTER]);

Set Value

You can set the value attribute of an element by using browser.element.find('selector').setValue('value').

// Set the value of input field search as 'Nightwatch'
// Set the value of input field search as 'Nightwatch'


You clear the value of an element by using browser.element.find('selector').clear().

// Clear the value of input field search
// Clear the value of input field search

Get element details

You can get details of elements by using the following methods

  1. Get text - browser.element.find('selector').getText()
  2. Get value - browser.element.find('selector').getValue()
  3. Get tag name - browser.element.find('selector').getTagName()
  4. Get attribute - browser.element.find('selector').getAttribute()
  5. Get CSS property - browser.element.find('selector').getCssProperty()
  6. Get ID - browser.element.find('selector').getId()
  7. Get Accessibility name - browser.element.find('selector').getAccessibilityName()
  8. Get rect - browser.element.find('selector').getRect()
// Get the text of the header

// Get the value of the input field browser.element.find('#input').getValue();
// Get the tag name of an element browser.element.findByRole('link').getTagName();
// Get the style attribute of an element browser.element.find('#element').getAttribute('style');
// Get the background-color of an element browser.element.find('#element').getCssProperty('background-color');
// Get the id of an element browser.element.find('#element').getId();
// Get the accessibility name of an element browser.element.find('#element').getAccessibilityName();
// Get the rectangle bounding box of an element browser.element.find('#element').getRect();
// Get the text of the header

// Get the value of the input field browser.element.find('#input').getValue();
// Get the tag name of an element browser.element.findByRole('link').getTagName();
// Get the style attribute of an element browser.element.find('#element').getAttribute('style');
// Get the background-color of an element browser.element.find('#element').getCssProperty('background-color');
// Get the id of an element browser.element.find('#element').getId();
// Get the accessibility name of an element browser.element.find('#element').getAccessibilityName();
// Get the rectangle bounding box of an element browser.element.find('#element').getRect();

Set element details

In the previous section, you learnt how to fetch attributes of an element. You can also set values of an element with the following methods

  1. Set text - browser.element.find('selector').setText('text')
  2. Set attribute - browser.element.find('selector').setAttributes('attribute', 'attribute value')
// Set the text of header as 'Nightwatch'

// Set the style of button as "display:none;" browser.element.find('#button').setAttribute('style','display:none;');
// Set the text of header as 'Nightwatch'

// Set the style of button as "display:none;" browser.element.find('#button').setAttribute('style','display:none;');


You can use browser level method .setGeolocation() to simulate traffic from a particular latitude and longitude

// Set the latitude & longitude of the prime meridian
browser.setGeolocation({latitude: 51.4780, longitude: 0.0014, accuracy: 100})
// Set the latitude & longitude of the prime meridian
browser.setGeolocation({latitude: 51.4780, longitude: 0.0014, accuracy: 100})

Custom commands

If the existing Nightwatch commands do not suffice your needs or if you want to reduce some complex logic into a single command, you can even write your own custom commands. Refer to this guide

Now that you understand selectors and commands,you can proceed towards understanding how assertions work with Nightwatch
