
Slack Integration allows you to see your Nightwatch.js test results directly in your teams' Slack channels.


Step 1: Install Nightwatch-Slack-Reporter

Install nightwatch-slack-reporter as a dependency in your nightwatch project.

npm i nightwatch-slack-reporter --save-dev

Step 2: Slack app setup

In order to integrate nightwatch-slack-reporter with Slack, you are required to set up an incoming webhook to send messages. Once you create the app on Slack, you will get a slack_webhook_url to interact with Slack. For more info you can refer to Slack webhook guide.

You must follow the steps to setup the app :

  1. Navigate to url and click on Create your Slack app button :


  2. Click on From Scratch after clicking on the Create New App button. create-app-from-scratch

  3. Give the app a suitable name, select a Slack workspace, and then hit the Create App button.


    Note : In this step, you may encounter following error which can only be resolved by Slack admins.


  4. Now select Incoming Webhooks


  5. Toggle to ON the activate Incoming webhook button


  6. And then click on Add New Webhook to Workspace


  7. Select a channel and click on Allow button to authorize it


  8. That’s it, your webhook url is ready to use


Step 3. Reporter integration with Nightwatch

nightwatch-slack-reporter requires an option object which will contain slack_message and slack_webhook_url. You can configure slack_message accordingly either as a function or message and also to set the value of slack_webhook_url which you made in step 2

via globals.js file

Make sure your globals.js is configured already; if not, please follow the setup guide.

const options = {
   // function or message string
   slack_message: function(results, options) {
     // Message payload or string  
     return {
       text: 'Test completed, passed ' + results.passed + ', failed ' + results.failed,
       username: 'Nightwatch',
       icon_emoji: ':ghost:'
   // This can be specified with SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable
   slack_webhook_url: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...'
module.exports = {
  reporter: (require('nightwatch-slack-reporter')(options))
via configuration file
const options = {
   slack_message: function(results, options) {
   return {
       text: 'Test completed, passed ' + results.passed + ', failed ' + results.failed,
       username: 'Nightwatch',
       icon_emoji: ':ghost:'
   slack_webhook_url: 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...'
module.exports = {
   src_folders: ['tests'],
   globals: {
      reporter: (require('nightwatch-slack-reporter')(options)),
   // Other stuff


Step 0: Install Nightwatch

Follow the guide or watch the video to install Nightwatch from scratch.

Step 1: Run an example test

Consider the duckDuckGo.js example test :

describe('duckduckgo example', function() {
  it('Search Nightwatch.js and check results', function(browser) {
      .sendKeys('#search_form_input_homepage', ['Nightwatch.js'])
      .assert.textContains('.results--main', 'Nightwatch.js');

You don't need to do anything extra because you've configured the Slack reporter to be global. Run the tests as usual :

npx nightwatch examples/tests/duckDuckGo.js --env chrome

Step 2: View the reports on Slack
